A live signature is an image of a signature that looks like a real, handmade, signature. It can be static or animated and can be used to customize nearly any digital document or web page.
Some examples are: Email signatures, Document signatures, Blog signatures (at the bottom of each post), Letter signatures and so on.
Our tool creates most of the signatures on your own machine. We are not exposed nor can anyone else see what you created. Your privacy is very important to us.
We currently support latin letters based signatures (English Alphabet only) but we are planning on adding new non-latin fonts to our system in the future.
If you use our online signature drawing system you can of course use whatever language you want.
No. You are allowed to use the signature anywhere you like as long as you follow our terms of service and ensure you use it in a legal and honest way. You are solely responsible to whatever use you make of the signature you create.
Registered users get extra features and services for no added cost. For example you can store your signature on our servers for free, you get integration snippet codes based on your signature and you also get a signature management system and a lot of other bonuses.
The process is simple: You click the "start" button on the menu or homepage and choose a creation option: Using our step by step wizard or using our online signature drawing feature.
You can also have our team make the signature for you based on a photo or scan of your signature (but that costs a small fee).
During our wizard steps you will have an option to either choose a background color for your signature or to check a checkbox that sets a transparent background for your signature. Make sure you check that option if you require a transparent background.
The easiest way to find up to date instructions on how to add an image signature to your emails is to search in Google.
Search for "Add image signature" + your email client name.
For example: If you are using outlook 2016 as your email client do a google search for:
"how to add image signature outlook 2016"(no quotes)
Our designers hand make each and every one of our signatures.That way your signature will be 100% unique and special.
This process might take about 2-4 days to complete depending on load and complexity and is done during work days.
We will mail you as soon as the order had been completed and upload the signatures to your account if you are a registered member.
Check your site/blog style sheet. Look for IMG values and see if they have a border setting. If they do, change the border to be: border: 0;
Using our online wizard and tools is 100% free. You can create as many signatures as you want without any cost or payment.
We do offer paid upgrades such as creating the signature for you based on a signature scan/photo and also creating animated signatures, personal fonts and more.
Pricing for these services will appear in the signature upgrades page.
You can pay using Paypal during the upgrade order process or you can preload your account with credits (also using Paypal) and use them on your orders later on.
Yes we do. For large orders (more than 10 upgrades). Please email or contact us using the contact form and we will setup a discount for you based on the size of your order.
All rights reserved - ©MyLiveSignature 2025 - The first and original personal signature maker since 2007